کتاب: رُشدشمارہ 05 - صفحہ 38
ڈاکٹر حافظ حمزہ مدنی [1] جدید تصورِ درایت اور جدت پسند مفکرین کے درایتی اصول Abstract As a result of the Western ideological and philosophical influence, some of the contemporary Muslim scholars of Indo-Pak were urged to revise the primary sources of Islam. In their opinion, one of the main allegations of the West against Islam included arguments against the Prophetic traditions (Aḥādīth). Therefore, they reinstated the process of authenticity of Aḥādīth, but this time on cognitive grounds and also introduced new principles of Dirāyah for them. Efforts were also made to somehow relate them to the classical ‘principles of validation’ that were mainly founded on Narrative (Riwāyah) grounds. After analytical and critical study of these Principles, and especially those that were introduced by Mawlānā Farāhī, Mawlānā Iṣlāḥī, and Ghāmidī, it is concluded in this treatise that there is a striking contrast between the classical idea of Dirāyah as upheld by the Moḥaddithīn and the one which is presented today by the modernists. Moreover, it is also concluded that the classical idea is more appropriate on cognitive and narrative grounds. عصر حاضر آزمائشوں اور فکری کشمکش کا دور ہے ۔ہمارے زمانے کی آزمائشوں میں سے ایک آزمائش انکارِ حدیث کی فکر بھی ہے۔برصغیر پاک و ہند میں انکارِ حدیث کی آزمائش دو طرح سے سامنے آئی: ۱۔ انکار حدیث کا ایک رویہ تو وہ ہے کہ جس نے بغیر کسی اصول و ضابطے کے محض سائنس، فلسفہ ،عقل یا نفس
[1] پرنسپل، لاہور انسٹیٹیوٹ فار سوشل سائنسز، لاہور