کتاب: رُشدشمارہ 05 - صفحہ 11
ڈاکٹر حافظ زبیر [1] دور حاضر میں اجتماعی اجتہاد کے محرکات Abstract Just like the Industrial Revolution of 17th century and the 20th century development had its global effect on world’s social, economic and political paradigms, which was further supplemented by rapid growth in the technology, the religious world could also not remain unaffected. As a result, today, the religious world is exposed to such peculiar questions that it never encountered before. For example, due to industrial developments and economic changes, numerous innovative methods and forms of trade and business were introduced, and it was extremely important for the religion to be able to coop and give its opinion or to provide an alternative in case if it did not agree on certain forms. Similarly, the political revolution introduced new ideas such as democracy, elections, parliament, constitution, law and much more. This further extended to the social issues such as the parameters that one is to restrain himself to when interacting with the opposite gender, and other similar matters like free mixing between the genders, etcetera. Moreover, technological advancements raised several questions about the Shar’ī rulings of the use of certain scientific or medical inventions. Henceforth, right from the beginning of 20th century, several movements for Ijtihād began to operate.
[1] اسسٹنٹ پروفیسر، ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف ہیومینٹیز، کامساٹس انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف انفارمیشن ٹیکنالوجی، لاہور