کتاب: جدید معیشت،تجارت مروجہ اسلامی بینکاری میزان شریعت میں خصوصی اشاعت - صفحہ 535
Not finalizing or setting a percentage for profit distribution deal at the time of initiating a mudarba, instead the bank announces a profit distribution percentage after a month or so of starting a mudarba contract. Although for a shariah-compliant mudarba to materialize, it is necessary to set a profit distribution percentage at the very beginning of a mudarba. Hijacking the authority of the depositor (owner of the money) – it is written on the bank form that whatever profit the bank decides will have to be acceptable to the customer, and he/she will not be able to criticize or challenge it. Although Islamic shariah has given the depositor the right to question the mudarib (bank) regarding where his money is being utilized; likewise the involvement of the depositor while deciding about profit distribution is also essential. Musharika: No account is opened in Islamic banks on the basis of a musharika; instead only a certificate is given, this is an Un-Islamic and non-shariah compliant musharika because: The depositor, who is a partner in this musharika has no idea about the value of the bank’s partnership. On the other hand in an Islamic musharika, it is compulsory that both the parties are fully aware of each other’s financial stake/investment in the partnership. These days, Islamic banks use musharika as a tool to implement an oppressive system – whereby the individual capital of a depositor is granted less weightage and that of the bank