کتاب: جدید معیشت،تجارت مروجہ اسلامی بینکاری میزان شریعت میں خصوصی اشاعت - صفحہ 533
occasions a single condition can render an entire agreement haram, and on certain other instances a very slight practical change in an agreement can transform a legitimate deal into an interest based and islamically illegal deal. Conclusion of the introduction: Highlighting the Islamic shariah-related flaws that exist in the currently practiced and implemented system of Islamic banking does not in any way proposes that there is no room for banking in Islam; or that we are trying instead to further strengthen and popularize the interest based system of banking. Our sole purpose is the correction of the existent flaws to ensure that this great initiative of Islamic banking stays on track and many of its glaring flaws are mended and ironed out. Especially those flaws and errors which almost eliminate any differentiation between the Islamic banking system and the conventional, interest-based one; these flaws also deny the transfer of all those golden benefits that an Islamic economic system can grant to our masses and the society in general. Shariah related flaws in the Islamic banking system: Following things need to be considered regarding these shariah related flaws: These are recommendations and by nature they require to be precise, brief and practical and hence they only address businessmen and Islamic scholars who are aware of the details of the agreements that take place in Islamic banking. Individuals seeking greater detail can refer to a magazine entitled ‘Al-bayan” that is published by the Al-Madina Islamic research